Your Zip Codes, Bad-Adz custom email lists.

We have been working with supermarkets of every shape and size for over 4o years, and have met so many interesting people from all walks of life who have found success in the supermarket industry. We are proud to be a part of so many of your Marketing Strategies.

Let’s get to know each other.


Reach every possible customer in your zip code.

You tell us the relevant zip codes, we use our email distribution list. Reach out farther than you ever could before.

Short time frames are a solution, not a problem.

Advertise in Real-Time. What a relief to not have to predict the future! Enjoy the flexibility for last minute updates when you don't have to rely on the press.

Videos, Animation, Links to your social pages.

With so much competition for subscribers’ attention, you want something to set you apart. Entice scrolling readers to click through and care about your message.

Make the transition from print to digital. Here’s how it works.